Stop/Prevent body From Scrolling To Top On dialog.showModal()
Image by Rubens -

Stop/Prevent body From Scrolling To Top On dialog.showModal()

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If you’ve ever worked with modal dialogs, you know the frustration of having the body of your page scroll to the top when the dialog is displayed. It’s a common issue that can be annoying for users and break the overall user experience. In this article, we’ll explore why this happens and, more importantly, how to prevent it.

Why does the body scroll to the top?

The reason the body scrolls to the top when a modal dialog is displayed is due to the way the browser handles focus events. When the modal dialog is shown, the browser automatically focuses on the first focusable element within the dialog. This can cause the body to scroll to the top, especially if the dialog is at the bottom of the page.

Other reasons why this might happen

  • Anchor links: If you’re using anchor links to jump to a specific section on the page, the browser might scroll to the top when the dialog is shown.
  • Keyboard navigation: If the user is navigating the page using the keyboard, pressing the tab key or other navigation keys might cause the body to scroll to the top.
  • Third-party library conflicts: Some third-party libraries or plugins might interfere with the modal dialog’s focus event, causing the body to scroll to the top.

Solutions to prevent the body from scrolling to the top

Luckily, there are several solutions to prevent the body from scrolling to the top when a modal dialog is displayed. Here are some of the most effective ones:

1. Use the `scrollLock` property

One of the simplest solutions is to use the `scrollLock` property on the modal dialog. This property locks the scroll position of the body when the dialog is shown.

const dialog = document.getElementById('myModal');
  scrollLock: true

2. Use `preventScroll` event listener

You can also listen for the `keydown` event on the document and prevent the default behavior when the modal dialog is shown.

document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
  if (e.key === 'Tab' && dialog Returned) {

3. Use `focus` event listener

Another solution is to listen for the `focus` event on the modal dialog and prevent the body from scrolling to the top.

dialog.addEventListener('focus', (e) => {

4. Use CSS to disable scrolling

You can also use CSS to disable scrolling on the body when the modal dialog is shown. This can be done by adding a class to the body that sets `overflow-y` to `hidden`.

.body-modal-open {
  overflow-y: hidden;

Then, add the class to the body when the modal dialog is shown:


5. Use a third-party library

If you’re using a third-party library like Bootstrap or Foundation, they might have built-in solutions to prevent the body from scrolling to the top.

Library Solution
Bootstrap Use the `data-backdrop=”static”` attribute on the modal dialog.
Foundation Use the `data-reveal` attribute with the `scrollTop` option set to `false`.

Best practices for modal dialog implementation

In addition to preventing the body from scrolling to the top, here are some best practices to keep in mind when implementing modal dialogs:

  1. Make sure the modal dialog is focusable: Ensure that the modal dialog has a focusable element, such as a button or input field, to help the user navigate the dialog using the keyboard.
  2. Use a clear and concise title: Provide a clear and concise title for the modal dialog to help the user understand its purpose.
  3. Provide a close button: Offer a clear and prominent close button to allow the user to easily dismiss the dialog.
  4. Test for accessibility: Test your modal dialog for accessibility to ensure that it can be used by users with disabilities.
  5. Keep it simple and concise: Keep the content of the modal dialog simple and concise to avoid overwhelming the user.


Preventing the body from scrolling to the top when a modal dialog is displayed is a crucial aspect of providing a good user experience. By using one of the solutions outlined in this article, you can ensure that your modal dialog behaves as expected and doesn’t disrupt the user’s flow. Remember to also follow best practices for modal dialog implementation to create a seamless and accessible user experience.

By following these tips and techniques, you’ll be well on your way to creating modal dialogs that are both functional and user-friendly. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the inside scoop on preventing your webpage from scrolling to the top when a dialog is shown modally!

Why does my webpage scroll to the top when I show a modal dialog?

This happens because modal dialogs often have a focus trap that moves the focus to the top of the page, which in turn causes the browser to scroll to the top. It’s a default behavior in most browsers, but don’t worry, we’ve got ways to prevent it!

How can I prevent the scrolling to the top using CSS?

One way to do this is by setting the `overflow-y` property of the `body` element to `hidden` when the modal is shown, and then setting it back to `auto` when the modal is closed. You can use JavaScript to toggle this class on the `body` element.

Can I use JavaScript to prevent the scrolling?

Yes, you can! You can use JavaScript to set the scroll position of the page to the current position before showing the modal, and then restore it when the modal is closed. This way, the browser won’t scroll to the top.

Is there a way to prevent scrolling using a library or framework?

Some libraries and frameworks, like Bootstrap or jQuery UI, provide built-in solutions to prevent scrolling when showing a modal. Check your library’s documentation to see if they have a built-in solution for you!

Will these solutions work on all browsers?

Most of these solutions should work on modern browsers, but it’s always a good idea to test them on different browsers and versions to ensure compatibility. Additionally, make sure to test your solution on different devices and screen sizes to ensure a smooth user experience!