How to Convert HEIC to JPG using PHP libvips: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Convert HEIC to JPG using PHP libvips: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with HEIC files that are not compatible with your website or application? Do you want to convert them to a more widely supported format like JPG? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to use PHP libvips to convert HEIC files to JPG with ease.

What is libvips?

libvips is a free and open-source image processing library that provides a fast and efficient way to manipulate and convert images. It’s written in C and has wrappers for several programming languages, including PHP. libvips is particularly useful for dealing with large images and is known for its high performance and low memory usage.

Why Convert HEIC to JPG?

HEIC (High Efficiency Image Format) is a modern image format that offers better compression and quality compared to traditional formats like JPG. However, its limited compatibility can be a problem, especially for web developers. Converting HEIC files to JPG ensures that your images can be viewed and used on a wide range of devices and platforms.

Advantages of Converting HEIC to JPG

  • Wide compatibility: JPG is a widely supported format that can be viewed on most devices and platforms.
  • Easy sharing: JPG files can be easily shared and uploaded to social media, websites, and other online platforms.
  • Improved performance: JPG files are generally smaller in size, which means faster loading times and improved website performance.


Before we dive into the conversion process, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • A PHP-enabled server or environment.
  • The libvips PHP extension installed and enabled. You can install it using PECL or by compiling it from source.
  • A HEIC file that you want to convert to JPG.

Converting HEIC to JPG using PHP libvips

Now that we have our prerequisites in place, let’s write some PHP code to convert our HEIC file to JPG using libvips.

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Vips\Image;

// Load the HEIC file using libvips
$image = Image::newFromFile('input.heic');

// Convert the HEIC file to JPG
$image->setQuality(80); // Set the quality to 80%

// Save the JPG file to a new location

In this example, we’re using the Vips\Image class to load the HEIC file, convert it to JPG, and save it to a new location. The setFormat() method sets the output format to JPG, while the setQuality() method sets the quality of the output image.

Advanced Conversion Options

While the basic conversion process is straightforward, you may want to fine-tune the conversion process to suit your specific needs. Here are some advanced options you can use:

Resizing Images

// Resize the image to a maximum width of 800px

In this example, we’re using the setWidth() method to resize the image to a maximum width of 800px. You can also use the setHeight() method to set a maximum height.

Applying Image Filters

// Apply a grayscale filter to the image

In this example, we’re using the grayscale() method to apply a grayscale filter to the image. libvips provides a range of filters and effects that you can apply to your images.

Optimizing Images

// Optimize the image for web use

In this example, we’re using the setOptimize() method to optimize the image for web use. This can help reduce the file size and improve page loading times.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While converting HEIC to JPG using PHP libvips is generally a straightforward process, you may encounter some common issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you resolve them:

Image Corruption

If you encounter image corruption during the conversion process, try updating your libvips installation or checking the integrity of your input file.

Conversion Failures

If the conversion process fails, check the error logs for any hints on what went wrong. You can also try using the getLastError() method to retrieve the last error message.

Performance Issues

If you’re dealing with large images, you may encounter performance issues during the conversion process. Try using the setConcurrency() method to set the concurrency level, which can help improve performance on multi-core systems.


Converting HEIC to JPG using PHP libvips is a powerful and efficient way to ensure compatibility and improve performance. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily convert your HEIC files to JPG and take advantage of the many benefits that come with it.

Format Compatibility Compression Quality
HEIC Limited High High
JPG Wide Moderate Moderate

In conclusion, PHP libvips is a powerful tool for converting HEIC to JPG, and with the right knowledge and techniques, you can unlock its full potential. Remember to experiment with different conversion options and fine-tune the process to suit your specific needs.

Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “PHP libvips convert HEIC to JPG” using a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on converting HEIC to JPG using PHP libvips!

What is PHP libvips and how does it help with image conversion?

PHP libvips is a PHP extension that allows you to tap into the power of libvips, a fast and efficient image processing library. With libvips, you can convert images from one format to another, including converting HEIC to JPG, with ease and speed!

Why would I want to convert HEIC to JPG using PHP libvips?

HEIC is a newer image format that’s gaining popularity, but not all devices or platforms support it. Converting HEIC to JPG ensures compatibility and makes it easier to share and use your images across different platforms. Plus, JPG is a more widely supported format that’s easier to work with!

How do I install PHP libvips on my server?

Installing PHP libvips is a breeze! You can use PECL to install the extension, or use a package manager like Composer. You’ll also need to ensure that libvips is installed on your server. Check out the official documentation for more detailed instructions!

Can I customize the image conversion process using PHP libvips?

Absolutely! PHP libvips provides a range of options for customizing the image conversion process. You can adjust settings like image quality, compression levels, and even apply image filters and effects. Get creative and tailor the conversion process to your specific needs!

Is PHP libvips suitable for large-scale image conversion tasks?

Yes! PHP libvips is built for speed and performance, making it well-suited for large-scale image conversion tasks. It can handle high volumes of images with ease, and its async processing capabilities ensure that your server stays responsive even under heavy load. So go ahead, convert away!