Unlocking the Power of DBRef in Quarkus MongoDB Panache: A Step-by-Step Guide to Querying Collections
Image by Rubens - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of DBRef in Quarkus MongoDB Panache: A Step-by-Step Guide to Querying Collections

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Are you tired of struggling with complex database relationships in your Quarkus MongoDB Panache application? Do you want to unlock the full potential of DBRef and take your data querying to the next level? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to query collections with DBRef in Quarkus MongoDB Panache, with clear explanations, code examples, and practical tips.

What is DBRef and Why Do We Need It?

The Problem with Traditional Foreign Keys

In traditional relational databases, foreign keys are used to establish relationships between tables. However, in MongoDB, foreign keys are not supported natively. This is where DBRef comes in – it provides a way to create references between documents, enabling you to query and manage complex relationships with ease.

Setting Up Quarkus MongoDB Panache with DBRef

Before we dive into querying collections with DBRef, let’s set up a Quarkus MongoDB Panache project with DBRef support. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Quarkus project using the Quarkus Maven plugin or IDE of your choice.
  2. Add the Quarkus MongoDB Panache extension to your project by adding the following dependency to your `pom.xml` file:
  3. Create a MongoDB instance (local or remote) and add the connection details to your `application.properties` file:
  4. Create a MongoDB collection with DBRef fields. For example, let’s create a `users` collection with a `friends` field that references the `user` collection:
     db.createCollection("users", {
       validator: {
         $jsonSchema: {
           bsonType: "object",
           required: ["_id", "name", "friends"],
           properties: {
             _id: { bsonType: "objectId" },
             name: { bsonType: "string" },
             friends: {
               bsonType: "array",
               items: {
                 bsonType: "object",
                 required: ["$ref", "$id"],
                 properties: {
                   $ref: { bsonType: "string" },
                   $id: { bsonType: "objectId" }

Querying Collections with DBRef

Now that we have our Quarkus MongoDB Panache project set up with DBRef support, let’s explore how to query collections with DBRef.

Using the `@DBRef` Annotation

The `@DBRef` annotation is used to specify the target collection and field for a DBRef reference. In our example, we’ll use the `@DBRef` annotation to query the `friends` field in the `users` collection:

public interface UserRepository {

  @DBRef(target = "users", field = "friends")
  List<User> findFriends(UUID userId);

In this example, we’re using the `@DBRef` annotation to specify that the `findFriends` method should query the `friends` field in the `users` collection, which references the `users` collection.

Using the `MongoDBPanacheQuery` Interface

The `MongoDBPanacheQuery` interface provides a fluent API for building MongoDB queries. We can use this interface to query the `friends` field in the `users` collection:

public interface UserRepository {

  MongoDBPanacheQuery<User> query = MongoDBPanacheQuery.query(User.class);

  List<User> findFriends(UUID userId) {
    return query.filter("friends.$id", userId).list();

In this example, we’re using the `MongoDBPanacheQuery` interface to build a query that filters the `friends` field in the `users` collection, where the `$id` field matches the specified `userId`.

Using the `MongoDBPanacheTemplate` Interface

The `MongoDBPanacheTemplate` interface provides a template-based API for executing MongoDB queries. We can use this interface to query the `friends` field in the `users` collection:

public interface UserRepository {

  MongoDBPanacheTemplate template = new MongoDBPanacheTemplate();

  List<User> findFriends(UUID userId) {
    return template.find(User.class, "{ friends: { $elemMatch: { $id: # } } }", userId);

In this example, we’re using the `MongoDBPanacheTemplate` interface to execute a query that filters the `friends` field in the `users` collection, where the `$id` field matches the specified `userId`.

Best Practices and Tips

When working with DBRef in Quarkus MongoDB Panache, keep the following best practices and tips in mind:

  • Use meaningful field names: Use descriptive field names for your DBRef fields, such as `friends` or `comments`, to make your queries more readable and maintainable.
  • Use the `@DBRef` annotation: Use the `@DBRef` annotation to specify the target collection and field for a DBRef reference, making your code more expressive and easier to understand.
  • Use the `MongoDBPanacheQuery` interface: Use the `MongoDBPanacheQuery` interface to build complex queries that filter and sort your data, making it easier to query and manage your data.
  • Use the `MongoDBPanacheTemplate` interface: Use the `MongoDBPanacheTemplate` interface to execute queries that require more flexibility and customization, such as aggregations and MapReduce operations.
  • Optimize your queries: Optimize your queries by using indexes, limiting the amount of data returned, and avoiding unnecessary queries, to improve performance and reduce latency.
  • Test and debug your queries: Test and debug your queries thoroughly to ensure they work as expected, using tools like the MongoDB shell and Quarkus DevServices.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve shown you how to query collections with DBRef in Quarkus MongoDB Panache, using the `@DBRef` annotation, the `MongoDBPanacheQuery` interface, and the `MongoDBPanacheTemplate` interface. By following these best practices and tips, you can unlock the full potential of DBRef and take your data querying to the next level. Remember to optimize your queries, test and debug them thoroughly, and keep your code expressive and maintainable.

Happy coding!

Keyword Description
DBRef A database reference that allows you to create references between documents in different collections.
Quarkus MongoDB Panache A Java framework that provides a simple and efficient way to interact with MongoDB.
@DBRef An annotation that specifies the target collection and field for a DBRef reference.
MongoDBPanacheQuery An interface that provides a fluent API for building MongoDB queries.
MongoDBPanacheTemplate An interface that provides a template-based API for executing MongoDB queries.

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